Partnering with Our Community and Joan Baez to Solve Homelessness

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Despite being one of the most expensive places to live, the Bay Area is also home to thousands of individuals experiencing homelessness. Once people become homeless, it’s nearly impossible to get back on their feet. As a downtown business located on one of Santa Cruz’s busiest streets, we certainly see the impact homelessness has on individuals, businesses and the community at large. This fall we were delighted to support the launch of the Downtown Streets Team in Santa Cruz, a project focused on ending homelessness by restoring dignity and rebuilding the lives of those who are unhoused.

We supported the Downtown Streets Team with our digital marketing skills – attending planning meetings, writing media alerts and coordinating press attendance at the official ribbon cutting. While we had a lot of fun helping the team, we also came away with a deeper appreciation for the power of community in solving problems together. As ribbon cutting speaker and renowned singer/songwriter, Joan Baez, put it, “this is not about survival, this is about transcendence.”

Next time you’re in Santa Cruz, give a friendly hello to Downtown Streets Team members (you’ll know them by their yellow shirts). You can learn more about the team here.

Gary Bird