Reinventing Healthcare at Home: LG TVs Partner with Independa for Revolutionary Health Services

There's no place like home, especially when it's equipped with cutting-edge technology designed to simplify and enhance the quality of our lives. Enter the groundbreaking collaboration between Independa and LG Electronics, heralding a new era in remote healthcare and engagement. We helped Independa announce this exciting partnership at CES 2022, while simultaneously conducting our own research on the adoption of telehealth in a post-pandemic world.

Our Impact

Research from Parks Associates shows that almost two-thirds of consumers had telehealth sessions in the past year. Such a trend underscores the importance and timeliness of Independa's expanded Health Hub. 43PR decided to supplement this secondary research with a survey of our own. The Second Annual Older Adults Survey commissioned by Independa allowed us to monitor the feelings and behaviors of the adult children caring for older adults living independently. 

What we found is a hopeful trend in people’s optimism toward the integration of technology and healthcare. Here are the results from this year’s survey:

After a successful announcement, we continued to support Independa in integrating multiple new partners, making the Independa Health Hub® a one-stop-shop for health and wellness straight from the comfort of your living room.

Here are some of the outlets talking about the future of telehealth on TV:

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