MegaChips: Pioneering the Edge AI Revolution in the U.S. Market

The rapid progression of technology sees Artificial Intelligence (AI) not just as a buzzword but as an essential element across various industries. While data centers dominated AI in the past, the focus is shifting to Edge AI - and MegaChips is leading the way.

Having made waves in the Japanese market with over 30 years of experience, MegaChips is now setting its sights on the U.S. They're bringing their full-service ASIC solution stateside, complete with industry-standard IP components and a spectrum of design services, all underscored by comprehensive manufacturing support.

AI at the Edge: The Future is Now

MegaChips, a titan in the custom ASIC industry from Japan, recently introduced the AI Partner Program. This groundbreaking initiative allows companies to seamlessly integrate AI without the challenges and costs of maintaining in-house AI experts. The global market for Edge AI chips, which stood at $9 billion in 2020, is set to catapult to a staggering $59.6 billion by 2030, showcasing a growth rate of 21.2%.

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